Ahad, Disember 19


“Your Qalb (heart) cannot be compartmentalized. You cannot dedicate one piece of it to Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala and another to some other god, like wealth, status, career, spouse and so on. Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala is One, Indivisible and wants the human being to be undivided in service to Him. So long as our heart lies in a hundred places, so long as our eyes are set in a hundred directions, so long as we have many loyalties, we shall never be able to achieve that condition of ‘holding onto Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala’.”  (Ustaz Khuram Murad)

Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim.

Secebis komentar kata-kata Ustaz di atas:

Untuk taat dan cinta kepada Allah, tak boleh separuh-separuh. Perlu sepenuh hati, 100%. 

Dengan cara apa? Singkirkan kecintaan hal-hal duniawi di dalam hati (bahagian yang paling sukar tapi tidak mustahil). Lalu, fokuskan effort demi meraih cinta Allah dan Rasul-Nya s.a.w..

Wallahu A'lam.

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